Friday, March 6, 2009

Fun with scooters

writings of bobby:

Hey there. I tried to get on earlier to add a post but i forgot our user name and password. what a great start to a blog!

I would like to share a story with you.

when i was about 14 years old, i was playing with me friends, Sean and Christian. We all had those razor scooter that are so cool and what not. so we decided to go for a little scoot around the the hood of neighbors. Being the innovative bunch that we were, we decided to tie our scooters together with a pair of elastic-like jump ropes. this way we could sling-shot each other around to get some serious scooter speed. So we were scootin around sling-shoting each other when we reached the biggest hill in the world of our neighborhood. this hill is freakin steep! its probably about 150 yards long. we decide to go down the hill on our bungie-scooter-trifecta. we start picing up some serious speed. our scooters are starting to whobble and i began to realize that this was not the best idea that i had ever had. next thing i know Sean bails off his scooter so christian and i are dragging Seans unmanned scooter. then Christian bailed leaving me (i was in the middle) all on my loansome. and get like you would see in the cartoons, the two other scooters jerked backwards on me scooter sending me in a front flip over my handle bars. i landed on the back of my head. i was very dazed on the long walk back to my house. i ended up with a concussion but it was so much fun that it was worth it. the moral of this story is simple. Dont be the last one to bail off of your scooter when you are attched to two others scooters going down a ridiculously steep hill.

1 comment:

  1. Razor speed wobbles!!! Nice. At least you didnt crack your skull open. Did you get road rash?
